Sinopsis Buku: Start spreading the news - our new guide to NYC is out and you are going to love it. It's smart and stylish, with a limited edition silver cover perfect for this shimmering, luminous city. Written by three opinionated New Yorkers (is there any other kind?), they share their knowledge on the best restaurants, shopping, art galleries, theatres, you name it. From Central Park to Park Slope, Soho to Dumbo, these locals know where to be in NYC. So what makes this guide so great? Well there's: o A full-colour pull-out map highlighting walking tours and attractions. And it's waterproof too, so if you spill your martini, it just wipes straight off. o Up-to-the-minute, blink-and-you'll-miss-it, insider tips from NYC residents. o The lowdown on some offbeat outer borough adventures. o Gloriously glossy mini-guides. o Detailed arts and entertainment coverage, from live music to rooftop happy hours. o Themed walking tours so you can fully explore Soho shopping or East Village rock `n' roll.
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