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Seri Little Monster

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Seri Little Monster 
oleh: Frances Thomas
> Anak-Anak » Cerita » General
> Anak-Anak » Ilmu Pengetahuan » Edutivity

Penerbit :    Wortel Books
Edisi :    Board book
ISBN-13 :    2000019008873
Tgl Penerbitan :    0000-00-00
Bahasa :    Indonesia, English
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Sinopsis Buku:
- Little Monster's Book of Numbers:

In Little Monsters Book of Numbers, children can count from ten red apples, to five baby birds learning to fly, all
the way down to one adorable little monster! Another fun read for everyone. Suitable for children age 2 - 5 who
are learning to count. Learning with rhyme is proven to be an effective way to teach children how to count.

- Little Monster's Book of Opposites:

Little Monsters Book of Opposites identifies opposites with situations that are very near and dear to all children.
Good and bad puppies, young and old monsters - With fun illustrations enjoyable for the whole family. Suitable
for children age 2 - 5 who are learning new vocabularies and discovering many opposites around them.

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