Sinopsis Buku: Learning a new language should be fun, interactive and exciting. The use of games in a learning environment not only changes the dynamic of the class but also rejuvenates students and helps the brain to learn more effectively. The brain also consists of muscles. It needs to be worked out, tested and put into competitive situations. A teacher can create a more exciting learning environment by introducing games and activities.
Games allow students to work co-operatively, compete with each other, strategize, think in a different way, compare and share knowledge, learn from others, learn from mistakes, work in a less stressful and more productive environment, and allow people to have fun. Isi Buku + 102 macam permainan dan aktivitas yang menarik, memotivasi, menggugah minat dan keberanian, serta merangsang kreativitas siswa sehingga bisa belajar secara efisien dan bersemangat; dan di sisi lain, membantu para pengajar untuk menciptakan suasana belajar yang kondusif, kompetitif, menarik (tidak membosankan), dan tidak membuat stres + latihan soal untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam speaking, writing, listening, dan reading Resensi Buku:
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