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Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 5e

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Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 5e 
oleh: Rizzoni
> Sains & Teknologi » Umum
> Textbooks » Universitas » Teknik

Penerbit :    Salemba Empat
Edisi :    Soft Cover
Bahasa :    English
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Sinopsis Buku:
Rizzoni provides a solid overview of the electrical engineering discipline that is especially geared toward the many non-electrical engineering students who take this course. The hallmark feature of the text is its liberal use of practical applications to illustrate important principles. The applications come from every field of engineering and feature exciting technologies such as Ohio State's world-record setting electric car. The appeal to non-EE's is further heightened by such special features as the book's Focus on Measurement sections, Focus on Methodology sections, and Make the Connection sidebars.

Daftar Isi
Bab 1 Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Part I Circuits
Bab 2 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Bab 3 Resistive Network Analysis Bab 4 AC Network Analysis Bab 5 Transient Analysis Bab 6 Frequency Response and System Concepts Bab 7 AC Power
Part II Electronics
Bab 8 Operational Amplifiers Bab 9 Semiconductors and Diodes Bab 10 Bipolar Junction Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications Bab 11 Field-Effect Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications Bab 12 Power Electronics Bab 13 Digital Logic Circuits Bab 14 Digital Systems
Part III Instrumentation and Communication Systems
Bab 15 Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements Bab 16 Analog Communication Systems Bab 17 Digital Communications
Part IV Electromechanics
Bab 18 Principles of Electromechanics Bab 19 Introduction to Electric Machines Bab 20 Special-Purpose Electric Machines

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