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Basic Statistics using Excel and Mega Stat

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Basic Statistics using Excel and Mega Stat 
oleh: Orris
> Komputer » General
> Textbooks » Universitas » Komputer

Penerbit :    Salemba Empat
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN :    0071254315
ISBN-13 :    9780071254311
Tgl Penerbitan :    2006-00-00
Bahasa :    English
Ukuran :    135x216x0 mm
Sinopsis Buku:
This new text offers an Excel-focused approach to using statistics in business. All statistical concepts are illustrated with applied examples immediately upon introduction. Modern computing tools and applications are introduced, and the text maintains a strong focus on presenting statistical concepts as applied using Excel, enhanced by MegaStat, the Excel add-in created by the author and used as a standard for all McGraw-Hill/Irwin Business Statistics textbooks.

The text enables students to take full advantage of Excel to develop and drive problem-solving skills. As a one-color paperback, it is also a competitive low-cost alternative to most of the higher-priced books in the market.

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