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Advanced Accounting 8e

Advanced Accounting 8e 
oleh: Hoyle
> Bisnis, Manajemen & Keuangan » Akuntansi & Sistem Informasi
> Textbooks » Universitas » Bisnis » Akuntansi

List Price :   Rp 251.000
Your Price :    Rp 213.350 (15% OFF)
Penerbit :    Salemba Empat
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN :    007110674X
ISBN-13 :    9780071106740
Tgl Penerbitan :    2006-00-00
Bahasa :    English
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Sinopsis Buku:
Advanced Accounting, 8e, by Hoyle/Schaefer/Doupnik updates a successful and comprehensive textbook renowned for its integrated real world examples, student orientation, and popular writing style. The eighth edition adds the latest developments in consolidations, international and governmental accounting, and the CPA exam to produce a textbook that continues to lead the way in currency and readability.

Daftar Isi
1 The Equity Method of Accounting for Investments
2 Consolidation of Financial Information
3 Consolidations - Subsequent to the Date of Acquisition
4 Consolidated Financial Statements and Outside Ownership
5 Consolidated Financial Statements - Intercompany Asset Transactions
6 Variable Interest Entities, Intercompany Debt, Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, and Other Issues
7 Consolidated Financial Statements - Ownership Patterns and Income Taxes
8 Segment and Interim Reporting
9 Foreign Currency Transactions and Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk
10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
11 Worldwide Accounting Diversity and International Standards
12 Financial Reporting and the Securities and Exchange Commission
13 Accounting for Legal Reorganizations and Liquidations
14 Partnerships: Formation and Operation
15 Partnerships: Termination and Liquidation
16 Accounting for State and Local Governments, Part I
17 Accounting for State and Local Governments, Part II
18 Accounting and Reporting for Not-for-Profit Organizations
19 Accounting for Estates and Trusts

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