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The Wisdom of Sundaland (Edisi Bahasa Inggris)

The Wisdom of Sundaland (Edisi Bahasa Inggris) 
oleh: Anand Krishna
> Pengembangan Diri & Motivasi » Motivasi

List Price :   Rp 60.000
Your Price :    Rp 51.000 (15% OFF)
Penerbit :    Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN :    9792286578
ISBN-13 :    9789792286571
Tgl Penerbitan :    2012-09-07
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    0
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Berat :    180 gram
Sinopsis Buku:
Anand's analysis will no only interest the academia, particularly the historians, but also the lay people passionate about the subject. In fact, he does not stop at that. It is not only the histories and misteries of the ancient Sundaland that he shares through the pages of this book, but also its age old wisdom that is still relevant, and which, as the inheritors of that ancient heritage, we all should be proud of.

— Drs. Soedarmono, SU; History Lecturer of Sebelas Maret University & Chairman of Solo Heritage Community, Indonesia

Anand Krishna has taken a gigantic leap to reintroduce the ancient Sundaland as a great civilization. Through the pages of this very commendable book, he takes us beyond our present history and belief systems to learn the wisdom of our forefathers. He reminds us that the Wisdom of Sundaland is not a religion or a belief system, it is the very Wheel of Life that is ever revolving in harmony with Mother Nature.

— Trie "iie" Utami; Artist/Writer/Vocalist, Indonesia

This work brought to my attention a tradition and wisdom that I was not previously aware of. Thank you Anand Krishna for undertaking the task of researching for and writing this book.

— Gerard Barrie; Independent Arts and Crafts Professional, UK

The Wisdom of Sundaland gives us a deep insight into the ancient Indonesian history. Reading it also helps me understand the psyche of modern Indonesians. Anand Krishna, once again, hits the nail on the head.

— Sylvia Sucipto; Real Estate Administration Expert, Belgium

This book is a must read for all those interested in our ancient civilizations, in the research of Atlantis and Mu, in the records of the Sumerians and of ancient Egypt. A fascinating and thought-provoking read indeed.

— Bhagawati Morris; Writer

Resensi Buku:

  The Atlantis' Wisdom
oleh: joehanes budiman
The Wisdom of Sundaland is a monumental work of Anand Krishna, 0appreciating the local wisdom of a land once many known as the real Atlantis. And this book is not merely talking about "a myth" but also providing a solution to the matter. A Really Masterpiece, indeed.

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Tentang Pengarang:

Anand Krishna adalah pria keturunan India kelahiran Solo, Jawa Tengah, 1956. Pendidikan dasarnya dia peroleh di Lucknow, di Negara Bagian Uttar Pradesh, India. Sejak usia amat muda, melalui bimbingan ayahnya, dia sudah berkenalan dengan ajaran Shah Abdul Latief, seorang mistik sufi yang amat dia kagumi. Di samping itu, dia juga merupakan murid termuda dari Sheikh Baba, mistik sufi yang sehari - hari sebagai tukang penjual es balok. Dari Pasific Southern University, USA, dia mengantongi gelas MBA, dan dengan modal itu dia berkutat dalam dunia bisnis modern sebagai Marketing Director ( Sainath Group of Companies, Indonesia, 1979-1986), CEO (D`jar Inc., USA, 1986-1989) dan Director / Shareholder (Svarna Artha Interbuana, Jakarta, 1989 - 1991). [selengkapnya]

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