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LC :20Th Century Boys 07

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LC :20Th Century Boys 07 
> Komik

Penerbit :    Elex Media Komputindo
ISBN-13 :    9789792083781
Tgl Penerbitan :    2006-04-18
Ukuran :    140x210x0 mm
Berat :    175 gram
Sinopsis Buku:

In the middle of Tokyo Bay... A man called `Shogun` was trying to escape from `Umihotaru Prison`, which was believed as the inescapable iron fort, to save the world. He heads off to Tokyo... the city where a girl of `The Last Hope` lives! But, a murder in Chinatown becomes a trigger to the chain-reacting terror.

All of sudden, the false peace,created by `Friend` doomed to reveal! What was the trick behind the disaster in the last day of 20th century!?

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