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LC :20Th Century Boys 16

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LC :20Th Century Boys 16 
> Komik

Penerbit :    Elex Media Komputindo
ISBN-13 :    9789792704389
Tgl Penerbitan :    2007-05-09
Ukuran :    140x210x0 mm
Berat :    175 gram
Sinopsis Buku:

In 2015, Friend saved Pope from the assassination, He achieved resurrection of miracle at the opening ceremony of the EXPO. This made him GOD rather than the Messiah. No one can stop him. Horrible plan became real. He has commanded to spread the killer virus all over the world. That was the end of the world.

Why is this tragedy?

The story goes back to the past where the evil was born. On the other side, after the disaster, Friend becomes the president of the world. We`re witnessing the horrible future!

Resensi Buku:

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