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The Small Business Controller

The Small Business Controller 
oleh: Richard O. Hanson
> Buku Impor » Accounting

List Price :   Rp 326.700
Your Price :    Rp 294.030 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    Business Expert Press
ISBN :    1606490621
ISBN-13 :    9781606490624
Tgl Penerbitan :    2009-07-10
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    200
Ukuran :    150x224x10 mm
Berat :    454 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:
This book describes the role of the controller in a nonpublic company (small business), and provides a detailed 'how to' guidance of the various duties and responsibilities the controller of a nonpublic company may be required to assume. It describes the functions many small business controllers usually perform. The audience for this portfolio is new controllers for small business and/or those aspiring to become controllers. This book may be utilized in both undergraduate and graduate levels where courses in Controllership are offered. This book addresses many topics that are not contained in current books designed for the Controller, especially the many functions that the controller has to assume because of the lack of support (both financial and human resources) available in many larger businesses.

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