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Communication Design: Principles, Methods, and Practice

Communication Design: Principles, Methods, and Practice 
oleh: Jorge Frascara
> Buku Impor » Communication

List Price :   Rp 418.000
Your Price :    Rp 376.200 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    Allworth Press
ISBN :    1581153651
ISBN-13 :    9781581153651
Tgl Penerbitan :    2004-01-11
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    240
Ukuran :    152x226x15 mm
Berat :    318 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:
Graphic design students will get a firm grip on the theory and practice of communication design with this unique work that inspires young designers to look beyond aesthetic concerns and develop an integrated, multidimensional understanding of this ever-changing field. New designers learn how to approach design problems in a methodical, professional manner; how the human mind interprets visual and verbal messages; how technology choices impact the design process; how design is used in the service of information and persuasion; and what it means to design for noncommercial advertising and political propaganda. Complete with practical examples, case studies, and cutting-edge research, this primer is a springboard to integrated, contemporary communication design.

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