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Military Leadership in the 21st Century Science and Practice

Military Leadership in the 21st Century Science and Practice 
oleh: Kim-Yin Chan, Star Soh, Regena Ramaya
> Buku Impor » Politic

List Price :   Rp 720.500
Your Price :    Rp 648.450 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    Cengage Learning Asia
ISBN :    9814352640
ISBN-13 :    9789814352642
Tgl Penerbitan :    2011-01-06
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    288
Ukuran :    198x241x8 mm
Berat :    612 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:
Military Leadership in the 21st Century aims to provide junior commanders or entry-level military officers with an introductory-level appreciation of the key concepts and issues related to military leadership from a social-behavioral science perspective. The book focuses on direct-level or team leadership . It has three main themes: (1) the human dimension of military operations and organization; (2) the main approaches to direct or team-level leadership, including the trait-approach, values or ethical leadership, and leadership styles and behaviors; and (3) the challenges of leadership in 21st century military operations, organizations, and, the 21st century military profession. Besides learning key leadership-related concepts and issues, readers are also introduced to key events, institutions and social-behavioral scientific research programs that have shaped contemporary military leadership doctrines and systems.

Key Features
(1) Written by authors who are not only former military officers, but also highly experienced psychologists and researchers rolled into one.
(2) Highly readable book that is full of practical, real-world applications, engaging examples and insights into military leadership, and is yet firmly grounded in science.
(3) Utilizes key theoretical concepts and contemporary military leadership doctrines such as leadership selection, leadership & team training and development and organizational learning & change.
(4) Focuses on the social-behavioral science of leadership- the basis for many contemporary military leadership doctrines. The book therefore draws on primary social-behavioral science research reports and writing, and various military leadership doctrinal documents from Australia, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, U.S., and the U.K.

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