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Maternal-Fetal Evidence-Based Guidelines (Series In Maternal Fetal Medicine)

Maternal-Fetal Evidence-Based Guidelines (Series In Maternal Fetal Medicine) 
oleh: Vincenzo Berghella
> Buku Impor » Medicine

List Price :   Rp 2.282.500
Your Price :    Rp 2.054.250 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    CRC Press
ISBN :    0415432812
ISBN-13 :    9780415432818
Tgl Penerbitan :    2007-09-26
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    424
Ukuran :    218x287x28 mm
Berat :    1633 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Evidence-Based Guidelines reviews the evidence for best practice in maternal-fetal medicine. It presents the reader with the right information, in the right format, by summarizing evidence in easy-to-use tables and algorithms.

Each guideline is designed to "make it easy to do it right", with appropriate use of proven interventions and no use of harmful interventions. Plenty of evidence is available so that well-informed clinicians can reduce errors, so that the first aim is ultimately to improve the health of mother and fetus by providing quality care.

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