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Emergency Medicine Review: Preparing for the Boards (Expert Consult - Online and Print), 1e

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Emergency Medicine Review: Preparing for the Boards (Expert Consult - Online and Print), 1e 
oleh: Richard A. Harrigan MD, Jacob Ufberg MD, Matthew Tripp MD
> Buku Impor » Medicine

Penerbit :    Saunders
ISBN :    1416061916
ISBN-13 :    9781416061915
Tgl Penerbitan :    2010-09-28
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    528
Ukuran :    216x274x23 mm
Berat :    1542 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:

Emergency Medicine Review: Preparing for the Boards, by Richard Harrigan, Matthew Tripp, and Jacob Ufberg, uniquely combines a comprehensive, bulleted review of all required subjects with a thorough practice exam of board-style questions, giving you all the tools you need to be prepared and confident during the American Board of Emergency Medicine's qualifying exam and beyond! You can also access the online Q&A review at

  • A comprehensive, bulleted review section allows you to efficiently brush up on every area tested on the exam.
  • Board-style practice questions - in print and online - let you assess your mastery of all topics you need to know.
  • Over 200 illustrations challenge you to correctly identify images, read ECGs, and interpret other visual elements crucial to successful completion of the exam.
  • Answers and detailed explanations for every question enable you to fill any gaps in your knowledge.
  • Content based on The Model of the Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine, from which the boards and ConCert exams are also derived, lets you focus on the most essential information in the field.

High yield board prep information to help the busy emergency physician's certification/recertification needs

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