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Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 9e

Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 9e 
oleh: Robert M. Kacmarek PhD RRT FAARC, Robert L. Wilkins PhD RRT FAARC, James K. Stoller MD MS
> Buku Impor » Medicine

List Price :   Rp 1.127.500
Your Price :    Rp 1.014.750 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    Mosby
ISBN :    0323036570
ISBN-13 :    9780323036573
Tgl Penerbitan :    2008-01-31
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    1408
Ukuran :    220x278x48 mm
Berat :    2821 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:
A leader in respiratory care education for more than 35 years, this comprehensive textbook lays a strong foundation for a successful career. You'll gain a thorough understanding of the role of respiratory therapists (RTs), a scientific basis for treatment, and clinical applications. In-depth discussions progress from the principles of respiratory care to applied anatomy and physiology, assessment, discussion of specific respiratory illnesses, basic therapy, acute and critical care, and preventive and long-term care. Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) and Therapist Driven Protocols (TDPs) in appropriate chapters familiarize you with patient care guidelines and decision trees as they are used in practice.
  • A full-color format makes the text easier to read and brings out key detail in the illustrations.
  • Mini-Clinis provide short vignettes applying content in the text to actual patient care, asking you to think critically on problems you may encounter.
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) cover the steps of patient care with important information on indications/contraindications, hazards and complications, assessment of need, assessment of outcome, and monitoring.
  • Therapist-Driven Protocols (TDPs) provide decision trees developed by hospitals, helping you to assess patients, initiate care, and evaluate outcomes.
  • Rules of Thumb highlights rules, formulas, and key points important to clinical practice.
  • Measurable Learning Objectives parallel the areas tested by the NBRC exam, helping you identify important information that goes beyond memorization and recall.
  • Key Point summaries in bulleted format help you clearly identify key concepts covered in each chapter.
  • A Workbook includes a wide range of activities such as NBRC-type multiple-choice questions, case studies, experiments, and hands-on activities, allowing you to apply the knowledge you've gained from the text.
  • New History of Respiratory Care chapter describes the evolution and challenges of this profession.
  • Updated content reflects changes in the field, with additions to the text including:
    • More coverage of evidence-based care
    • Information on HIPAA
    • A discussion of computer applications in a health care setting
    • An emphasis on how nutrition impacts the respiratory system
  • The role of the respiratory therapist in disease management is discussed in the Cardiopulmonary Diseases section.
  • A new appendix cross-references the NBRC examination matrices for the CRT and RRT to content in the book, making it easier to prepare for the NBRC exams.
  • New editor Robert Kacmarek, a well-known figure in respiratory care, has joined Robert Wilkins and James Stoller.

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