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Clinical Pathology of Urological Tumours

Clinical Pathology of Urological Tumours 
> Buku Impor » Medicine

List Price :   Rp 3.025.000
Your Price :    Rp 2.722.500 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    CRC Press
ISBN :    1841846198
ISBN-13 :    9781841846194
Tgl Penerbitan :    2007-10-24
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    264
Ukuran :    216x287x23 mm
Berat :    1383 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:

With increasing emphasis on the early diagnosis and management of urologic tumours, it is imperative that the practising urologist comprehend the relevance of the morphology for the clinical diagnostic and therapy. Moreover, the clinician should be fully informed of the importance of modern morphological methods (PCR, FISH, CGH etc) for the diagnosis and management of urological tumours.

Outstandingly illustrated, with over 300 colour pathological slides and clinical photos, Clinical Pathology of Urological Tumours is presented as a highly attractive, coherently structured, full colour atlas, featuring sections on:

  • Renal Tumours
  • Adrenal Glands
  • Pathology of tumours of the urinary bladder
  • Prostate cancer origins, diagnosis and prognosis in clinical practice
  • Tumours of the Seminal Vesicles
  • Tumours of the Testis and Paratesticular Structures
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of the penis
  • Handling and Pathology Reporting of Circumcision and Penectomy Specimens
  • Male Urethra

Clinical Pathology of Urological Tumours is not only a necessary tool for the attending urologist, it will also satisfy the needs of oncologists, especially urololgic oncologists, residents in pathology or even pathologists, who are not daily faced with urological tumours.

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