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Adolescent Medicine: Requisites, 1e (Requisites in Pediatrics)

Adolescent Medicine: Requisites, 1e (Requisites in Pediatrics) 
oleh: Gail B. Slap MD MS
> Buku Impor » Medicine

List Price :   Rp 797.500
Your Price :    Rp 717.750 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    Mosby
ISBN :    032304073X
ISBN-13 :    9780323040730
Tgl Penerbitan :    2008-02-12
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    352
Ukuran :    218x277x18 mm
Berat :    998 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:
This concise, evidence-based resource covers all of today's need-to-know information to quickly and effectively diagnose and manage common adolescent an exceptionally user-friendly format. Because it's so compact, clinically oriented, and easy to read, Adolescent Medicine: The Requisites in Pediatrics is an ideal study tool as well as a convenient reference for practice.
  • Includes detailed discussions on special health issues, common medical problems, sexual and reproductive health, behavioral problems, and the transition to adult health care to help you gain a better understanding of the unique needs of the adolescent patient.
  • Features a logical, consistent chapter format that helps you find the guidance you need quickly.
  • Presents abundant tables, differential diagnoses, lab values/radiologic studies, treatment/therapy recommendations, and guidance on when to refer to a specialist equipping you for every clinical challenge.
  • Discusses controversies concerning the standard of care with the aid of thought-provoking clinical scenarios to help you to determine the best course of action in difficult situations.
  • Provides highlighted boxes that emphasize relevant case studies, key points of each section, and other important information making you aware of considerations that impact today's practice.
  • Uses a wealth of illustrations so you can see details more clearly.

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