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Seismic Design for Architects

Seismic Design for Architects 
oleh: Andrew Charleson
> Buku Impor » Architecture & Interior Design

List Price :   Rp 748.000
Your Price :    Rp 673.200 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    Architectural Press
ISBN :    0750685506
ISBN-13 :    9780750685504
Tgl Penerbitan :    2008-09-12
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    296
Ukuran :    186x244x16 mm
Berat :    621 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:
Seismic Design for Architects shows how structural requirements for seismic resistance can become an integral part of the design process. Structural integrity does not have to be at the expense of innovative, high standard design in seismically active zones.

* By emphasizing design and discussing key concepts with accompanying visual material, architects are given the background knowledge and practical tools needed to deal with aspects of seismic design at all stages of the design process
* Seismic codes from several continents are drawn upon to give a global context of seismic design
* Extensively illustrated with diagrams and photographs
* A non-mathematical approach focuses upon the principles and practice of seismic resistant design to enable readers to grasp the concepts and then readily apply them to their building designs

Seismic Design for Architects is a comprehensive, practical reference work and text book for students of architecture, building science, architectural and civil engineering, and professional architects and structural engineers.

* Written for architects, emphasising design over analysis
* Key concepts conveyed with visual material to allow architects to appreciate the design solutions available to them
* Draws experience from a wide variety of national and international design codes

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