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Water Wells and Pumps

Water Wells and Pumps 
oleh: A. M Michael, S. D Khepar, S. K Sondhi
> Buku Impor » Civil

List Price :   Rp 1.320.000
Your Price :    Rp 1.188.000 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN :    0071591206
ISBN-13 :    9780071591201
Tgl Penerbitan :    2008-03-06
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    696
Ukuran :    190x236x44 mm
Berat :    1379 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:

Design and Build Safe, Efficient Systems for Irrigation and Water Supply

Water Wells and Pumps is a comprehensive guide to the essential theory and design of ground water structures, wells/tube wells, and pumps, with particular emphasis on problem solving and meeting the requirements of developing nations. It features thorough, up-to-date knowledge of the science and technology of water wells and pumps as well as allied appliances and applications.

This authoritative desk reference outlines the construction, operation, and maintenance of water wells for irrigation and water supply. It also presents the development and testing of tube wells as well as a variety of pumps, both location-specific. Using SI units exclusively, Water Wells and Pumps features:

  • Coverage of a variety of pumps, including those using nonconventional, environmentally friendly means
  • Examinations of ground water recharge methods, well rehabilitation, and animal-powered water lifts
  • Techno-economic evaluation of projects on wells and pumps
  • References and problems at the end of each chapter for research and educational use

Solutions for all problems related to designing secure, reliable systems

• Ground water resources development and utilization • Hydraulics of wells • Open wells • Tube wells and their designs • Development and testing of tube wells • Rehabilitation of sick and failed tube wells • Man- and animal-powered water lifts and positive displacement pumps • Variable displacement pumps and accessories • Centrifugal pumps • Deep well turbine and submersible pumps • Propeller, mixed flow, and jet pumps • Applications of nonconventional energy sources in pumping

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