Sinopsis Buku: Providing clear and complete coverage of fundamental plus state-of-the-art topics The Science of Electronics contains many excellent features. The approach is to present the essential elements of semiconductor devices and circuits as well as operational amplifiers and modern analog integrated circuits in a very clear and simple format. Concepts are well illustrated by many worked-out examples and figures. In addition to fundamental topics, advanced areas of digital technology are also introduced. The relationship of technology to science is emphasized. Topics include: analog concepts; diodes and applications; bipolar junction transistors; field-effect transistors; mulitstage, RF, and differential amplifiers; operational amplifiers; basic op-amp circuits; active filters; special-purpose amplifiers; oscillators and timers; voltage regulators; and sensing and control circuits. For the electronics technician that wants to review the basics; this is an excellent desk reference. Resensi Buku:
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