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The Windows

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The Windows 
English Version dari Jendela - Jendela
oleh: Fira Basuki Translated by Norman Ince
> Fiksi » Drama

Penerbit :    Grasindo
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN-13 :    9789797594527
Tgl Penerbitan :    0000-00-00
Bahasa :    English
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Sinopsis Buku:
The Windows is a novel about the life of a young couple. June, the main character, unfolds the sotry, she tells about her past, her friends, and many other stories related to her life. This novel takes place in different places, such as USA, Singapore, and Indonesia.

Questions about the idea of life are clearly depicted in this novel. Why is a life not as easy as man expect> Why is a marriage life not always a happily ever after story, just like a beautiful pricess with her prince harming as told in a fairy tale? Here, June tries to find the answers.

Then, who is Mr. X, that mysterious man appears at the end of the novel? As peeking outside and peeping at the ones window, this novel tries to unfold the human life from many different sides.

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