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BIG BOOK OF GREETING CARD - Over 40 Step by Step Projects

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BIG BOOK OF GREETING CARD - Over 40 Step by Step Projects 
oleh: Bolton Vivianne
> Buku Impor » Entertainment, Craft & Humor

Penerbit :    New Holland Publishers
Edisi :    English
ISBN :    1843300125
ISBN-13 :    9781843300120
Tgl Penerbitan :    2006-11-16
Bahasa :    English
Ukuran :    276x214x14 mm
Tag :    buku impor
Sinopsis Buku:
Individually made cards are increasingly popular in gift stores but they are expensive - handmade cards can be quick, cheap and simple. Packed with fabulous ideas, "The Big Book of Greetings Cards" is a must for anyone who is interested in making their own cards. There are 45 step-by-step projects with cards to suit every occasion - birthdays, Christmas, birth announcements, new home and wedding and party invitations. The cards are made using a wide variety of techniques - some modern, some traditional and all from readily available art materials and papers, as well as incorporating fabric, needlework and 'found' items. The designs are simple and stylish and are imaginatively captured in stunning photography.

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