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Life of Pi (Paperback)

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Life of Pi (Paperback) 
oleh: Yann Martel

Bahasa :    Indonesia
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor
Sinopsis Buku:
Yann Martel's imaginative and unforgettable Life of Pi is a magical reading experience, an endless blue expanse of storytelling about adventure, survival, and ultimately, faith. The precocious son of a zookeeper, 16-year-old Pi Patel is raised in Pondicherry, India, where he tries on various faiths for size, attracting "religions the way a dog attracts fleas." Planning a move to Canada, his father packs up the family and their menagerie and they hitch a ride on an enormous freighter. After a harrowing shipwreck, Pi finds himself adrift in the Pacific Ocean, trapped on a 26-foot lifeboat with a wounded zebra, a spotted hyena, a seasick orangutan, and a 450-pound Bengal tiger named Richard Parker ("His head was the size and color of the lifebuoy, with teeth"). It sounds like a colorful setup, but these wild beasts don't burst into song as if co-starring in an anthropomorphized Disney feature. After much gore and infighting, Pi and Richard Parker remain the boat's sole passengers, drifting for 227 days through shark-infested waters while fighting hunger, the elements, and an overactive imagination. In rich, hallucinatory passages, Pi recounts the harrowing journey as the days blur together, elegantly cataloging the endless passage of time and his struggles to survive: "It is pointless to say that this or that night was the worst of my life. I have so many bad nights to choose from that I've made none the champion."
An award winner in Canada (and winner of the 2002 Man Booker Prize), Life of Pi, Yann Martel's second novel, should prove to be a breakout book in the U.S. At one point in his journey, Pi recounts, "My greatest wish--other than salvation--was to have a book. A long book with a never-ending story. One that I could read again and again, with new eyes and fresh understanding each time." It's safe to say that the fabulous, fablelike Life of Pi is such a book. --Brad Thomas Parsons --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

Resensi Buku:

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Tentang Pengarang:

Yann Martel lahir di Spanyol tahun 1963 dari orangtua berkebangsaan Kanada. Ia dibesarkan di Alaska, British Columbia, Costa Rica, Prancis, Ontario, dan Meksiko. Semasa dewasa ia terus melakukan perjalanan, dan menghabiskan banyak waktu di Iran, Turki dan India. Dia menyelesaikan kuliah filsafat di Trent University dan melakukan berbagai jenis pekerjaan yang "tidak umum", seperti menanam pohon, tukang cuci piring, dan satpam. Sejak umur 27 tahun, dia mulai hidup dari menulis. Sebelum Life of Pi, karya-karyanya adalah kumpulan cerpen berjudul The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios (Vintage Canada 1993) yang memenangkan Journey Prize, dan novel berjudul Self (Vintage Canada 1997). Life of Pi memenangkan Man Booker Prize 2002 dan Hugh MacLennan Prize for Fiction 2001. Ia membagi waktunya ... [selengkapnya]

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