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Memoirs of a Geisha

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Memoirs of a Geisha 
oleh: Arthur Golden

Bahasa :    Indonesia
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor
Sinopsis Buku:
In this literary tour de force, novelist Arthur Golden enters a remote and shimmeringly exotic world. For the protagonist of this peerlessly observant first novel is Sayuri, one of Japan's most celebrated geisha, a woman who is both performer and courtesan, slave and goddess.

We follow Sayuri from her childhood in an impoverished fishing village, where in 1929, she is sold to a representative of a geisha house, who is drawn by the child's unusual blue-grey eyes. From there she is taken to Gion, the pleasure district of Kyoto. She is nine years old. In the years that follow, as she works to pay back the price of her purchase, Sayuri will be schooled in music and dance, learn to apply the geisha's elaborate makeup, wear elaborate kimono, and care for a coiffure so fragile that it requires a special pillow. She will also acquire a magnanimous tutor and a venomous rival. Surviving the intrigues of her trade and the upheavals of war, the resourceful Sayuri is a romantic heroine on the order of Jane Eyre and Scarlett O'Hara. And Memoirs of a Geisha is a triumphant work - suspenseful, and utterly persuasive.

Resensi Buku:

Tentang Pengarang:

Arthur Golden lahir di Chattanoog, Tennessee. Ia lulusan Harvard College jurusan sejarah seni Jepang. Pada tahun 1980 ia mendapatkan gelar master sejarah Jepang dari Columbia University, tempat ia juga mempelajari bahasa Cina Mandarin. Setelah musim panas di Beijing University, ia bekerja di Tokyo. Sekembalinya ke Amerika ia mendapatkan gelar master bahasa Inggris dari Boston University. Ia tinggal di Brookline, Massachusetts, bersama istri dan dua anaknya. Memoirs of a Geisha adalah novel pertamanya. Sutradara Steven Spielberg sangat terkesan pada novel ini sehingga memilihnya sebagai film yang akan digarapnya [selengkapnya]

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