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The Pathfinders of Love

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The Pathfinders of Love   
oleh: Richard Oh
> Fiksi » Sosial, Budaya & Sejarah

List Price :   Rp 88.000
Your Price :    Rp 70.400 (20% OFF)
Penerbit :    Metafor Publishing
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN :    9799569206
ISBN-13 :    9789799569202
Tgl Penerbitan :    0000-00-00
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    190
Ukuran :    130x205x0 mm
Sinopsis Buku:
Set against the unsettling backdrop of Jakarta in the aftermath of the May 1998 riots, The Pathfinders of Love presents the story of a group of well-intentioned individuals as they braved incredible odds.And were confronted with the ironic truth about the uncertainty of love and prejudice.

Jailudin, a photojournalist, was about to find his otherwise complacent existence turned topsy-turvy when he embarked on a surreal search for his missing secretary. MayLin, the unflappable daughter of the Chinese tycoon, had one unfulfilled ambition of reaching across the racial divide: she was about to discover the stiff price of her goodwill. Sherly, the American freelance journalist, was drawn into a vortex of hurtling events which eventually engulfed her in a cause she had never prepared to fight for and in a love she knew she would lose.

***"After reading a lot and listening to plenty of tales about May 1998 incident, almost all of which described in a factual way (and the subject kept always anonymous), it is interesting to be able to view this event from a more personal perspective. Although fictionalized, the novel brings to life how a sudden change in society affects our daily existence as a person, as a member of society and in private."Dewi Magazine

(Pathfinders of Love) is precious for being timely and also for making deafeningly clear that Indonesia is home to a plethora of people, from ethnic Chinese to pribumi, Muslims and Christians, tycoons and tribespeople, of every hue and color. And no one dare say to any of them that Indonesia is not their home.Mehru Jaffer, The Jakarta Post

Resensi Buku:

Tentang Pengarang:

Mendapat gelar sarjana sastra Inggris di Universitas Wisconsin, Madison, USA. Labirin Malam adalah novel berbahasa Indonesia pertamanya yang diterjemahkannya dari Heart of the Night. Saat ini, direktur toko buku QB Worldbooks dan penerbit Metafor ini tinggal di Jakarta bersama istri dan dua anaknya. [selengkapnya]

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