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9 Summers 10 Autumns (English Edition)

9 Summers 10 Autumns (English Edition) 
oleh: Iwan Setyawan
> Inspirasional & Spiritualitas » Inspirational

List Price :   Rp 75.000
Your Price :    Rp 63.750 (15% OFF)
Penerbit :    Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN :    9792275959
ISBN-13 :    9789792275957
Tgl Penerbitan :    2011-10-00
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    224
Ukuran :    200x135x0 mm
Berat :    182 gram
Sinopsis Buku:
It is the story of the son of a minibus driver from Batu City who becomes a company director in New York City.

My father is a minibus driver who can’t even remember his own birthday. His highest education was the eighth grade. My mother couldn’t finish her elementary school education. She is the perfect mirror for humbleness. I have four sisters and they are the strongest pillars in my life. Because we grew up poor, our toys were school textbooks; and we would work for extra money selling food during Ramadan and painting wooden dolls at a shop near our little house; or help our neighbor sell vegetables at the market. Education was the key that changed our lives; pulled us out of poverty. But it was the love of a family that saved us all.

A novel where the past reconcilliates with the future. If the present is a challenge and the future is a mystery; than where does our riches belong to if not the past, even though there’s still some bitterness there?

--Mohamad Sobary (Former Director of Antara News Agency)

This book is an important manuscript that is filled with the essence of hardwork, the warmth of family, and a journey. It is a bright practice of man jadda wajada. I hope you will be touched by his spirit and patience. The son of a minibus driver in the corner of East Java who shines in New York. Inspirational!   

--Ahmad Fuadi (writer of the best-selling trilogy Negeri 5 Menara)

The power of education, life and the love of a family brought Iwan to a journey across the world to New York City where he gets to pursue his childhood dream. After 10 years, he returns to Indonesia to continue his great work. Refreshing and inspirational.

--Andy F. Noya (Host Kick Andy Show)

Iwan from Batu City is the proof and he is an inspiration. Read this novel and we will feel the optimism grow inside us.

--Anies Baswedan (Dean at University of Paramadina and the Chief of Indonesia Mengajar)

I can’t stop reading this book from beginning to end. I will require my children to read this book, which for me is both moving and inspirational.

--Virginia Rusli (Chief Editor of CLARA)

The novel doesn’t talk about dreams, but the courage to break the limit of your fears. It’s an amazing story that is told firmly and simply.

--E.S. Ito (Writer of Negara Kelima)

The novel seems simple at first, but it has details and descriptions that warm the hearts of the readers. A clear work, and it begs us all to immortalize our memories as the points of the sun in our lives.

--Asma Nadia (Writer of Emak Ingin Naik Haji, CEO Publication)

...most of all it is a story of dreams coming true, sharply focused by a person who knows what he wants. Certainly very relevant in today’s world which needs the dose of positive energy that Mr. Iwan Setyawan delivers.

--Wimar Witoelar (Authority in journalism, public relations and communication)

Resensi Buku:

oleh: rika indrawati
kalau dilihat dari cerita sie menarik, menggambarkan perjuangan hidup seorang anak sopir yang kuliah di bogor. tapi klo dari segi penceritaannya kupikir terlalu memaksakan untuk bisa menggabungkan flash back dan kekinian.

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