Frans Budi Pranata
Fransiscus Budi Pranata has been Finance Director of Yupi Indo Jelly Gum since September 2011. In this role he leads project produces improvements, automation, reporting, and standardization to better support the business and drive out costs. He leads white belt six sigma projects with a cost savings of USD 500K annually. He has created an online and real time performance dashboard, and also managed to get USD 15 Mio loan for capacity expansion project.
Prior to this role, he was retail group financial controller at Alghanim Industries, finance director then president director at PT Gitaswara Indonesia, finance director at PT American Standard Companies, financial controller at PT Maitland Smith Indonesia, and corporate finance manager at Asia Pulp and Paper.
Achievements in these roles include developing an investment proposal and financial modeling for new stores, reducing corporate tax obligation on withholding tax article 25 by approximately USD200K, and leading the overall aspects of finance and treasury, accounting and reporting, taxation, and budgeting as well as system and procedures for accuracy and integrity of all financial information. Frans has also provided development in place in various areas including fixed asset registration and control procedures, separation of profit and loss by division for better and closer control of division performance management, formation of cost allocation among various projects and departments, establishment of standard costing, system-based automation of management and financial reports for various purposes, and system integration for online information and sound internal control.