Dr. Gohar Mushtaq
Gohar Mushtaq received his Bachelors in Science degree from York College of The City University of New York in 1995 where he was the Valedictorian of 1995 graduating class. Gohar received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemistry from Rutgers University (New Jersey) (specializing in the area of Biophysical chemistry). At Rutgers University, he was also the recipient of Graduate Teaching Excellence Award (2000). From his childhood, he received thorough Islamic education from his father. Later on, he studied classical Islamic sciences from various Islamic teachers including Sheikh Abdur Rehman Kaashmiri (Brooklyn, N.Y.), Sheikh Dr. Ismael Mehmood al-Azharee (New Jersey), Mufti Abdur Rehman ibn Yusuf (United Kingdom) and Imam Tarek Chebbi al-Tunisi (Florida). He frequently delivers Friday khutbaahs and lectures at various mosques and Islamic centers in the U.S.A. He contributes articles to Al-Jumuah magazine (English) and Batool (Urdu) magazines and he is the author of the following books:
- The Intelligent Heart, The Pure Heart: An Insight into the Human Heart based on the Qur’an, Sunnah and Modern Science (Ta-Ha Publishers) [also translated into Indonesian language]
- Islam: Its Beauty & Wisdom (Amana Publications)
- The Music Made Me Do It – An In-Depth Study of Music through Islam and Science (IIPH, Riyadh)
- Growing a Beard: In Light of Qur’an, Sunnah and Modern Science (IIPH, Riyadh) (in press)
Beberapa buku yang pernah ditulis oleh Dr. Gohar Mushtaq:

| oleh Dr. Gohar Mushtaq Memanfaatkan kecerdasan hati untuk: • Menggapai ketenangan hidup • Melihat dengan mata hati untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah • Mengambil keputusan dengan pertimbangan suara hati • Menyembuhkan hati yang sakit Pernahkah Anda bertemu dengan seseorang yang memiliki pengetahuan ... [selengkapnya]