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Johanna Lindsey

Johanna Helen Lindsey was born on March 10, 1952 in Germany, where her father, a soldier in the U.S. Army, was stationed. The family moved about a great deal when she was young. Her father always dreamed of retiring to Hawaii, and after he passed away in 1964 Johanna and her mother settled there to honor him.

In 1970, when she was still in school, she married Ralph, becoming a young housewife. The marriage had three children; Alfred, Joseph and Garret, who already have made her a grandmother. After her husband's death, Johanna moved to Maine, New England, to stay near her family.

Johanna wrote her first book, Captive Bride in 1977 "on a whim", and the book was a success. By 2006, with over 58 Million copies of her books have been sold worldwide, with translations appearing in 12 languages, Johanna Lindsey is one of the world's most popular authors of historical romance.

Johanna's books span the various eras of history, including books set in the Middle Ages, the American "Old West" and the popular Regency England-Scotland. She has even written a few sci-fi romances. By far the most popular among her books are the stories about the Malory-Anderson Family, a Regency England saga.

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Beberapa buku yang pernah ditulis oleh Johanna Lindsey:

#1 New York Times Best Selling
oleh Johanna Lindsey
Ketika Sebastian Townshend, putra sulung dari generasi kedelapan Earl of Edgewood, dibuang karena sebuah peristiwa duel yang memalukan, dia bersumpah kepada dirinya sendiri tidak akan pernah menginjakkan kaki ke Inggris. Bertahun-tahun sesudahnya, Sebastian malah terkenal sebagai the Raven, jati ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Johanna Lindsey
Sheena Fergusson hanya bersedia menikah demi cinta. Sehingga ketika ayahnya memaksanya untuk menikah dengan laird klan MacKinnion yang terkenal dengan kekejaman dan kekasarannya demi menghentikan perselisihan di antara kedua klan itu, Sheena menolak dengan keras.

oleh Johanna Lindsey
Bagi Gabriel, waktu yang ia lalui sepeninggal ibunya terasa singkat. Ia menghabiskan tiga tahun mengarungi lautan untuk berburu harta bersama ayah dan para kru kapal. Namun, sang ayah berpikiran lain. Ia tak ingin hidup gadis itu berkarir menjadi seorang bajak laut seperti dirinya. Beliau menyuruh ...  [selengkapnya]

Paradise Wild: Pulau Cinta

A Rogue of My Own

Silver Angel

Love Me Forever - Miliku Selamanya

Historical Romance: Surrender My Love - Menaklukkan Sang Lady

Prisoner of My Desire: Jerat Hasrat Sang Lady

Home for the Holidays: Cinta yang Menyembuhkan

Marriage Most Scandalous

Warrior's Woman Sub Title - Milikmu Seutuhnya

That Perfect Someone [Buku Obral Agromedia 3]

Man of My Dreams - Pria Impian

The Magic of You - Keajaiban Hati

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