Linda Buckley-Archer Website: http://www.gideonthecutpurse.com/
Linda Buckley-Archer was born in Sussex and spent much of her childhood in rural Staffordshire, before settling in London, where she now lives with her husband and two children.
Originally trained as a linguist, she lectured in French for some years before becoming a full-time novelist and scriptwriter.
Linda is currently writing the third book in a sequence of novels for older children inspired by the criminal underworld of 18th-century London.
The first book in the sequence, 'The Time Travelers' (previously published as 'Gideon the Cutpurse') is now on sale in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia and is published by Simon and Schuster.
The second book in the trilogy, 'The Time Thief', was published in December, 2007.
The final book in the trilogy, 'The Splintering of Time', will be published in 2009.
The Gideon Trilogy of novels is an exciting mix of adventure, science fiction and history!
Beberapa buku yang pernah ditulis oleh Linda Buckley-Archer:

| Para Penjelajah Waktu oleh Linda Buckley-Archer Ujung-ujung jari Peter melesak ke permukaan mesin anti-gravitasi. Gelombang memualkan melanda Peter sebelum dia jatuh terpental, seluruh atom dalam tubuhnya ditolak oleh mesin itu. Peter mendongak, dan tampaklah wajah Tar Man yang penuh kebencian memancarkan kemenangan sekaligus kengerian....
... [selengkapnya]
| Penjahat dari Masa Silam oleh Linda Buckley-Archer Dalam Gideon the Cutpurse, kecelakaan mesin anti-gravitasi menyebabkan Peter Schock dan Kate Dyer terlempar ke tahun 1763. Sebuah misi penyelamatan dikirimkan, tetapi gagal, dan Peter tertinggal di abad ke-18. Sementara itu, Tar Man, seorang penjahat kawakan, berpindah ke masa depan dan ... [selengkapnya]