71. | 
| oleh Elizabeth Gaskell
*** Out of Print *** `she tried to settle that most difficult problem for women, how much was to be utterly merged in obedience to authority, and how much might be set apart for freedom in working.' North and South is ... [selengkapnya]
72. | 
| oleh Jane Austen
*** Out of Print *** Though Northanger Abbey is one of Jane Austen's earliest novels, it was not published until after her death--well after she'd established her reputation with works such as Pride and ... [selengkapnya]
73. | 
| oleh Charles Dickens
*** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
74. | 
| oleh William Shakespeare
*** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
75. | 
| oleh J.M. Barrie
*** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
76. | 
| oleh Gaston Leroux
*** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
77. | 
| oleh Oscar Wilde
*** Out of Print *** A lush, cautionary tale of a life of vileness and deception or a loving portrait of the aesthetic impulse run rampant? Why not both? After Basil Hallward paints a beautiful, young man's portrait, his ... [selengkapnya]
78. | 
| oleh Henry James
*** Out of Print *** When Isabel Archer, a beautiful, spirited American, is brought to Europe by her wealthy Aunt Touchett, it is expected that she will soon marry. But Isabel, resolved to determine her own fate, does ... [selengkapnya]
79. | 
| oleh James Joyce
*** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
80. | 
| oleh Jane Austen
*** Out of Print *** "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." Next to the exhortation at the beginning of Moby-Dick, "Call ... [selengkapnya]