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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Jr. Lawrence John A."
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 books)


oleh John A., Jr. Lawrence, Barry A. Pasternack
*** Out of Print ***
Emphasizes building the most appropriate model possible from the available data.
* Major focus is on analysis and communication of results to management. Teaches readers how to conduct a management science study, analyze different situations, break down the steps of problem-solving, write a ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Jr. Lawrence John A.
*** Out of Print ***
Modeling, Spreadsheet Analysis, and Communication for Decision Making  [selengkapnya]


"Vero berhasil membuat saya tersentuh dengan cerita mengagumkan dalam buku ini. Ringan, manis, keren!"
Dwitasari, kreator akun @teenlovefeel dan penulis buku ...   
