Hasil Pencarian untuk "Jerry J Weygandt, Donald E Kieso"
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 10 books)
| 1. |
| | oleh Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield
Rp 295.000 Rp 221.250 Akuntan masa depan bukanlah seseorang yang hanya mampu untuk menangani deretan angka; mereka juga harus mampu menjadi konsultan, komunikator, dan pengambil keputusan. Edisi Kesepuluh, Akuntansi Intermediate, ini didesain secara khusus untuk membekali Anda dengan berbagai kemampuan tersebut. Digital ... [selengkapnya]
| 2. |
| | oleh Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield
Rp 309.000 Rp 231.750 [selengkapnya]
| 3. |
| | oleh Jerry J Weygandt, Donald E Kieso
Rp 316.800 Rp 285.120 From the leading accounting author team of Weygandt, Kimmel and Kieso, this new edition of Managerial Accounting gives readers the tools they need to succeed, whether as accountants or in other career paths. The book helps build their decision-making skills and understand how to use accounting ... [selengkapnya]
| 4. |
| | oleh Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso
Rp 127.900 Rp 108.715
Buku Pengantar Akuntansi Edisi 7 ini merupakan salah satu buku teks terbaik yang membahas berbagai konsep dasar akuntansi keuangan, yang dimulai dari siklus akuntansi untuk perusahaan jasa, siklus akuntansi untuk perusahaan dagang, ... [selengkapnya]
| 5. |
| | oleh Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield *** Out of Print *** Due to the emergence of IFRS as the required convention for reporting to stock exchanges in the European Union and other important markets, accountants must gain a strong understanding of these standards. Intermediate Accounting integrates this new information throughout the chapters so ... [selengkapnya]
| 6. |
| | oleh Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 7. |
| | oleh Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel *** Out of Print *** Weygandt Managerial Accounting Third Edition gives students the tools they need to succeed, whether as accountants or in other career paths. With a framework in decision-making, Weygandt 3/e covers all the necessary techniques and concepts for a one semester, undergraduate managerial accounting ... [selengkapnya]
| 8. |
| | oleh Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel *** Out of Print *** Presents important analytical tools to decision making. Strong real world application. Emphasis on critical thinking and managerial decision-making. [selengkapnya]
| 9. |
| | oleh Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel *** Out of Print *** Presents important analytical tools to decision making. * Strong real world application. * Emphasis on critical thinking and managerial decision-making. [selengkapnya]
| 10. |
| | oleh Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel, Agnes L. DeFranco *** Out of Print *** Linking financial accounting principles to real-world hospitality management applications In Hospitality Financial Accounting, the authors behind North America's leading accounting textbooks present financial accounting principles to hospitality students with a clear and fascinating ... [selengkapnya]
Triasmara (Ketika Cinta Harus Segitiga)
"Oliver, Roody, dan Reno adalah tiga nama pria yang ada di hati gue. Ketiganya bisa membuat gue bahagia. Oliver, ya Oliver…, pria yang bisa membuat gue jatuh cinta akan kebencian gue dari ...