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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Jenny McCarthy"
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 books)


oleh Jenny McCarthy
*** Out of Print ***
The acclaimed national bestseller-a no-holds-barred account of what you can really expect when you're expecting

Oh, the joys of pregnancy! There's the gassiness, constipation, queasiness, and exhaustion, the forgetfulness, crankiness, and the constant worry. Of course, no woman is spared the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Jenny McCarthy
*** Out of Print ***
Jenny McCarthy, New York Times bestselling author of Baby Laughs and Belly Laughs, speaks candidly about the challenges and the humor to be found in balancing motherhood and the ups and downs of marriage.

Jenny McCarthys honesty has made her a bestseller. In Life ...  [selengkapnya]

Ia tumbuh dalam kondisi keluarga serba pas. Rumah yang ia tinggali berpindah dari satu bantaran kali ke bantaran kali yang lain. Bersama keluarganya ia pernah menjadi penghuni liar di pasar kayu, dan ...   
