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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Betty Bates Tempkin BA RT(R) RDMS"
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oleh Betty Bates Tempkin BA RT(R) RDMS
Rp 918.500      Rp 826.650
Presents a visual, step-by-step method for scanning and image documentation to provide diagnostic sonograms for physicians. Scanning principles and specific instructions are provided to improve the quality of sonographic studies and establish standardization. The text includes criteria for ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Reva Arnez Curry Reva Curry PhD RDMS RTR FSDMS, Betty Bates Tempkin BA RT(R) RDMS
Rp 1.155.000      Rp 1.039.500

Gain a firm understanding of normal anatomy and physiology from a sonographic perspective! Sonography: Introduction to Normal Structure and Function, 3rd Edition shows normal anatomy as it appears during scanning, with labeled drawings explaining what you should notice. With this ...  [selengkapnya]

Kicauan Si Burung ZUPER!
Penulis buku ini membuat personifikasi yang tak biasa dengan melambangkan burung sebagai sosok bijaksana. Luar biasa! Andrie Wongso, Motivator No.1 Indonesia Buku ini Jenaka dan bermanfaat! ...   
