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Amazing Mazes (Kumon's Practice Books)  - Paperback - 2004-02-05
oleh Kumon Workbooks
*** Out of Print ***
This book builds on foundational pencil-control skills by tracing lines through increasingly challenging mazes. The exercises have many three-dimensional illustrations, such as towns, streets, and parks, which engage children’s curiosity. This amusing practice will also help children acquire the ...  [selengkapnya]


*** Out of Print ***
Remember the mouse who comes to the aid of the lion with the thorn in his paw? Children can make an Aesop’s Fable come to life when they complete this King of the Jungle and his mousey counterpart.  [selengkapnya]


*** Out of Print ***
"You’re either a cat person or a dog person," the saying goes. With this craft book, though, children don’t have to choose one or the other. All they have to do is have fun cutting, pasting and assembling their own personal pet (potty training not required).  [selengkapnya]


*** Out of Print ***


*** Out of Print ***
Two very distinctive dinosaurs pair up in this book to offer hours of craft-making glee. Parents will jump at the opportunity to give their children a gift that kids will love, and that actually develops valuable reasoning and motor control skills.   [selengkapnya]


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*** Out of Print ***


*** Out of Print ***


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Shitlicious (Cover Ke-3)
Salah satu tip agar PeDeKaTe bisa berjalan mulussss, tonton aja pilem-pilem India ntuh. Nah, terus gimana caranya biar si target mau ngejar kita? Pake cara gw aja! Gini nih, masukin telunjuk elo di ...   
