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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Tarcher"
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 14 books)

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oleh David Lynch
*** Out of Print ***
In this rare work of public disclosure, filmmaker David Lynch describes his personal methods of capturing and working with ideas, and the immense creative benefits he has experienced from the practice of meditation

Over the last four decades, David Lynch has created some of the ...  [selengkapnya]


How America Lost Iraq  - Hard Cover - 2005-05-19
oleh Aaron Glantz
*** Out of Print ***
A reporter in Iraq shows how the U.S. squandered its early victories and goodwill among the Iraqi people, and allowed the newly freed society to slip into violence and chaos.

As a reporter for the staunchly antiwar Pacifica Radio, twenty-seven-year-old Aaron Glantz had spent much of early ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Robert A. Johnson, Jerry Ruhl
*** Out of Print ***
The esteemed Jungian psychologist counsels how to cope with feelings of failure or regret in the latter half of life and how to open to a more meaningful existence, even if outer circumstances cannot be changed.

We all carry a vast inventory of abandoned, unrealized, or underdeveloped ...  [selengkapnya]


Persian Girls: A Memoir  - Hard Cover - 2006-05-10
oleh Nahid Rachlin
*** Out of Print ***
Praised by V. S. Naipaul, Anne Tyler, and other writers, Nahid Rachlin has spent her career writing novels about hidden Iran-the combustible political passions underlying everyday life and the family dramas of ordinary Iranians. With her long-awaited memoir, Persian Girls, she turns her ...  [selengkapnya]


Pope Benedict XVI: His Life and Mission  - Hard Cover - 2005-07-21
oleh Stephen Mansfield
*** Out of Print ***
Stephen Mansfield's biography of Pope Benedict XVI is undeniably a brief, light read. Indeed, Mansfield's intention is not exhaustive detail, but a strong narrative thrust catching the salient points of the former Joseph Ratzinger's life. He traces this life from Ratzinger's earliest history ...  [selengkapnya]


Public Speaking for Success  - Paperback - 2006-04-05
oleh Dale Carnegie
*** Out of Print ***
The landmark edition of Dale Carnegie's public-speaking bible.

Dale Carnegie, author of the legendary How to Win Friends and Influence People, began his career as the premier "life coach" of the twentieth century by teaching the art of public speaking. Public speaking, as Carnegie ...  [selengkapnya]


Seducing the Demon: Writing for My Life  - Paperback - 2007-03-15
oleh Erica Jong
*** Out of Print ***
Erica Jong's memoir-a national bestseller-was probably the most wildly reviewed book of 2006. Critics called it everything from "brutally funny," "risqu and wonderfully unrepentant," and "rowdy, self-deprecating, and endearing" to "a car wreck."* Throughout her book tour, Jong was unflappably ...  [selengkapnya]


The European Dream  - Hard Cover - 2004-08-19
oleh Jeremy Rifkin
*** Out of Print ***
The American Dream is in decline. Americans are increasingly overworked, underpaid, and squeezed for time. But there is an alternative: the European Dream-a more leisurely, healthy, prosperous, and sustainable way of life. Europe's lifestyle is not only desirable, argues Jeremy Rifkin, but may be ...  [selengkapnya]


The Master Key System  - Paperback - 2007-08-16
oleh Charles F. Haanel
*** Out of Print ***
Joining the ranks of Tarcher's runaway editions of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Public Speaking for Success by Dale Carnegie, and The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, here are three landmark guides to a life of prosperity-now restored to print in ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Napoleon Hill, et al
*** Out of Print ***
In a beautiful, durable volume suited to a lifetime of use, here is the all-in-one "bible" on how to harness the creative powers of your mind to achieve a life of prosperity-packaged in a handsome display box with a ribbon bookmark.

The Prosperity Bible is a one-of-a-kind ...  [selengkapnya]

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The Secret of Staying Young
Bertambahnya usia sering kali ditandai berbagai keluhan kesehatan, seperti nyeri pada persendian, berat badan yang tak terkontrol, kulit yang kusam, dan fisik yang mudah lelah. Stamina yang berkurang ...   
