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Big Book of Low-Cost Training Games: Quick, Effective Activities that Explore Communication, Goal Setting, Character Development, Teambuilding, and More—And Won’t Break the Bank!

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Big Book of Low-Cost Training Games: Quick, Effective Activities that Explore Communication, Goal Setting, Character Development, Teambuilding, and More—And Won’t Break the Bank! 
oleh: Mary Scannell, Jim Cain
> Buku Impor » Economy

Penerbit :    McGraw-Hill
ISBN :    1259029182
ISBN-13 :    9780071774376
Tgl Penerbitan :    2012-04-19
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    256
Ukuran :    185x231x20 mm
Berat :    454 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:

Make training a game that everyone can win!

Featuring activities and exercises designed for groups of any size, The Big Book of Low-Cost Training Games proves that training can still deliver outstanding results, even when you’re watching the bottom line.

Whether you’re a trainer or facilitator, a group leader or manager, you’ll find the games in this book are excellent tools for building trust, exploring character, fostering collaboration, and demonstrating more effective communication techniques. Better still, with minimal props like index cards and markers, these activities are not just cost-effective but are also simple to set up and can be done virtually anywhere.

From painless icebreakers to group challenges to meaningful community-building projects, The Big Book of Low-Cost Training Games is your winning game plan for maximizing group engagement and getting the most ROI from your training budget.

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