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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Judith A. Muschla, Gary Robert Muschla, Erin Muschla"

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Beberapa buku yang mendekati hasil pencarian:

*** Out of Print ***


oleh Gary Chapman
*** Out of Print ***

Gary Chapman first penned the best-selling The Five Love Languages more than ten years ago. The core message has hit home with over 3 million people as it focuses on humanity's deepest emotional need: the need to 'feel' loved. This need is felt by married and singles alike. Dr. Chapman now ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Gary L. Gray
Rp 281.600      Rp 253.440
Plesha, Gray, and Costanzo's "Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics" presents the fundamental concepts, clearly, in a modern context using applications and pedagogical devices that connect with today's students. This text features a four-part problem-solving methodology that is consistently ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Robert Ludlum, Patrick Larkin
*** Out of Print ***

At an international conference in Prague, Lt. Col. Jon Smith, an Army research doctor specializing in infectious diseases and secretly an agent attached to Covert-One, is contacted by a Russian colleague, Dr. Valentine Petrenko. Petrenko is concerned about a small cluster of mysterious deaths in ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh David H. Rosenbloom
*** Out of Print ***

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION is one of the most widely adopted books for both undergraduate and graduate levels. The basis of its appeal is the authors' utilization of the three-part framework of management, politics, and the law. The themes in the text correspond to these three perspectives that are ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Robert Ludlum, Keith Farrell
*** Out of Print ***

The thrilling new novel in the bestselling Covert-One series. The previous Covert-One audiobook, Robert Ludlum's The Altman Code, spent three months on the Publishers Weekly Audio Bestseller listn the increasingly turbulent atmosphere of international politics, the once-grassroots ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Eric Van Lustbader
Rp 388.235      Rp 330.000
Already devastated by loss, Bourne is shattered by a report that hislast friend in the world, Martin Lindros has gone missing.A CI deputydirector, Lindros was in Ethiopiatracking suspicious shipments of yellowcake uranium and atomic bombweaponry.His last lifeline to humanity, Bourne will not let ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Julia Countney
*** Out of Print ***

Kisah seorang berjasa yang membentuk Gerakan Pramuka.  [selengkapnya]

oleh Robert Burns
*** Out of Print ***

Let other poets raise a fracas
'Bout vines, an' wines, an' drucken Bacchus,
An' crabbit names an' stories wrack us,
An' grate our lug:
I sing the juice Scotch bear can mak us,
In glass or jug.
--from "Scotch Drink"

Robert Burns, the son of a tenant farmer ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Robert Libby
Rp 281.600      Rp 253.440
Libby/Libby/Short wrote this text based on their belief that the subject of financial accounting is inherently interesting, but financial accounting textbooks are often not. They believe most financial accounting textbooks fail to demonstrate that accounting is an exciting field of study and one ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Robert Kolb
Rp 393.800      Rp 354.420

The world's best financial minds help us understand today's financial crisis

With so much information saturating the market for the everyday investor, trying to understand why the economic crisis happened and what needs to be done to fix it can be daunting. There is a real need, and ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Soepri Kethil
*** Out of Print ***

Robert Boyle (25 Januari 1627 - 30 Desember 1691) adalah fisuf, kimiawan, fisikawan, penemu, dan ilmuwan Irlandia yang terkemuka karena karya-karyanya di bidang fisika dan kimia. Walaupun riset dan filsafat pribadinya jelas berakar dari tradisi alkimia, ia sering dianggap sebagai kimiawan modern ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Robert Ludlum, Patrick Larkin
*** Out of Print ***

The thrilling new novel in the bestselling Covert-One series. The previous Covert-One audiobook, Robert Ludlum's The Altman Code, spent three months on the Publishers Weekly Audio Bestseller listn the increasingly turbulent atmosphere of international politics, the once-grassroots ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Ron Hansen
*** Out of Print ***

Jesse James was a fabled outlaw, a charismatic, spiritual, larger-than-life bad man whose bloody exploits captured the imagination and admiration of a nation hungry for antiheroes. Robert Ford was a young upstart torn between dedicated worship and murderous jealousy, the "dirty little coward" ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Robert W. Fox
*** Out of Print ***

One of the bestselling books in the field, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics continues to provide readers with a balanced and comprehensive approach to mastering critical concepts. The new seventh edition once again incorporates a proven problem-solving methodology that will help them develop an ...  [selengkapnya]

oleh Sawidji Widoatmojo
*** Out of Print ***

Bagi yang belum membaca Rich Dad Poor Dad, pasti akan menjawab: tak mungkin. Tapi rasanya sekarang ini sulit mencari orang yang belum membaca buku karya Robert Toru Kiyosaki itu. Buku itu telah membakar semangat jutaan orang di dunia untuk menjadi kaya secara logis, tanpa perlu curang. Dengan ...  [selengkapnya]

Kicauan Si Burung ZUPER!
Penulis buku ini membuat personifikasi yang tak biasa dengan melambangkan burung sebagai sosok bijaksana. Luar biasa! Andrie Wongso, Motivator No.1 Indonesia Buku ini Jenaka dan bermanfaat! ...   
