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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Harry N. Abrams, Inc."
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Astronomy: 365 Days  - Hard Cover - 2006-01-10
oleh Jerry T. Bonnell, Robert J. Nemiroff
*** Out of Print ***
Astronomy: 365 Days is a spectacular collection of photographs of space and sky, drawn from Jerry Bonnell and Robert Nemiroffs enormously popular website, Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD).

The follow-up to their previous collaboration, The Universe: 365 Days (the ...  [selengkapnya]


Chairs: A History  - Hard Cover - 2006-01-10
oleh Florence de Dampierre
*** Out of Print ***
Henry David Thoreau wrote, I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society. In Chairs: A History, furniture historian Florence de Dampierre presents a wonderfully readable and visually stunning exploration of chairs and their place in culture through ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh John Knoll
*** Out of Print ***
John Knoll was 14 years old when the first Star Wars film (Episode IV) came out in 1977, and it changed his life. By the time the first prequel, The Phantom Menace, was released in 1999, he was its visual effects supervisor-in charge of all special effects-a position he held ...  [selengkapnya]


DesignDesign: Furniture & Lights  - Hard Cover - 2007-01-04
oleh Oscar Asensio
*** Out of Print ***
What happens when form follows functionand the only boundaries are the laws of physics? As innovative materials and manufacturing techniques become readily available, the limitations of design are rapidly falling away. These advances have led to a redefinition of the spaces we inhabit, as everyday ...  [selengkapnya]


French Island Elegance  - Hard Cover - 2006-01-09
oleh Michael Connors
*** Out of Print ***
They are the jewels of the Caribbean, gorgeous prisms through which we see reflected the opulent world of the French Creole aristocracy. The French-speaking islands of Martinique, Guadaloupe, Marie-Galante, and Saint Martin come alive as never before in the pages of French Island Elegance, ...  [selengkapnya]


Gardens in Time  - Hard Cover - 2006-01-11
oleh Jacques Bosser
*** Out of Print ***
Ambitious in scope and a wonder to examine, Gardens in Time captures two millennia of garden history between its covers. The follow-up to world-renowned photographer Alain Le Toquins successful The Most Beautiful Gardens in the World, Gardens in Time contains lush and glorious ...  [selengkapnya]


I Am Plastic: The Designer Toy Explosion  - Hard Cover - 2006-01-11
oleh Paul Budnitz
*** Out of Print ***
In barely a decade, the designer toy craze, which originated in Hong Kong, has taken the world by storm. Children and adults, celebrities and design aficionados now line up to pay anywhere from five dollars to thousands of dollars for these highly inventive designer creations.

I Am ...  [selengkapnya]


International Beach Houses  - Hard Cover - 2007-01-04
oleh Louisa Wattson
*** Out of Print ***
Situated on the shores of glistening seas, oceans, and great lakes, the contemporary beach houses featured in this book are as dazzling as the coastal paradises they inhabit. International Beach Houses takes readers on a tour of twenty fabulous houses located around the world, including ...  [selengkapnya]


Jacques Helleu and Chanel  - Hard Cover - 2006-01-10
oleh Jacques Helleu, Laurence Benaim
*** Out of Print ***
Jacques Helleu is the eye behind the House of Chanels enduring image, having explored the meanings of this legendary brand in daring commercials and fabulous print ads for the past 40 years. He has given tangible, glamorous shape to the essential mystique of Chanels perfumes, by bringing together ...  [selengkapnya]


Leaves and Pods  - Hard Cover - 2006-01-08
oleh Josie Iselin, Mary Ellen Hannibal
*** Out of Print ***
From the delicate new growth that emerges in springtime to jewel-toned fall foliage to winter's brown husks, leaves unfurl, mature, and wither in a life cycle that evokes our own. But a tree's leaves and the protective pods that cradle its seeds not only serve as metaphors for our lives: they ...  [selengkapnya]

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Perfect Chemistry
Brittany Ellis memiliki kehidupan yang "sempurna": cantik, pintar, kaya, dan pacar yang populer. Alex Fuentes adalah gangster berdarah Meksiko, terkenal sebagai cowok "bermasalah". Setidaknya itu ...   
