Hasil Pencarian untuk "Emma Chichester Clark"
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 books)
| 1. | 
| | oleh Emma Chichester Clark
Rp 27.000 Rp 22.950 As Lily begins to accumulate an assortment of stuffed toys from relatives and friends, Blue Kangaroo begins to feel rejected. When at last the child's bed becomes too crowded, Blue Kangaroo rolls out and hops down the hall and into the baby's crib. What happens then? A wholly satisfying story of ... [selengkapnya]
| 2. | 
| | - Soft Cover - 0000-00-00 oleh Emma Chichester Clark
Rp 27.000 Rp 22.950 Lily and Blue Kangaroo are best friends. But when Lily starts to show off, Blue Kangaroo wishes he wasn't around. Inevitably, the day comes when Lily goes too far, and poor Blue Kangaroo is left clinging on for dear life! Just what will it take for Lily to be good?
Suitable for children age 6 and ... [selengkapnya]
| 3. | 
| | oleh Emma Chichester Clark
Rp 27.000 Rp 22.950 Lily and Blue Kangaroo are best friends. When Lily needs to get advice on what to do next, she often asks Blue Kangaroo, but Blue Kangaroo does not always know. One day, a crisis comes, and Blue Kangaroo has to make a decision on what to do all by himself. Can he do it? Suitable for children age 6 ... [selengkapnya]
| 4. | 
| | oleh Emma Chichester Clark *** Out of Print *** I'll Show You Blue Kangaroo!
Lily and Blue Kangaroo are best friends. But when Lily starts to show off, Blue Kangaroo wishes he wasn't around. Inevitably, the day comes when Lily goes too far, and poor Blue Kangaroo is left clinging on for dear life! Just what will it take for Lily to be ... [selengkapnya]

Dapatkan tanda tangan dari pengarang Moemoe Rizal. Persediaan terbatas!!!
One-two-three-four, we're the best cheers on the floor!
Five-six-seven-eight, we're the pretties, ready to ...
