Hasil Pencarian untuk "Editors of Phaidon Press"
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 13 books)
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| | oleh Editors of Phaidon Press
Rp 275.294 Rp 234.000 One of the most complete representations of this century's art to hit the shelves in years, The 20th-Century Art Book offers 500 full-page reproductions, each by a different artist. No matter how famous, each artist has but one page, accompanied by a concise, informative block of text. ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Editors of Phaidon Press *** Out of Print *** Who are the world's most exciting up-and-coming architects? 10 x 10_2 has 100 definitive answers, provided by 10 influential curators, educators and architects�including Zaha Hadid, Toshiko Mori, and Kurt Foster. Each featured architect is allotted four generously sized, photo-rich pages, ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Editors of Phaidon Press *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Editors of Phaidon Press *** Out of Print *** James Abbe, a 1920s fashion photographer, and Zoran, the designer whose simple, monochromatic clothes were extremely popular in the 1970s, anchor the 500 entries in this massive encyclopedia of fashion. Each designer, photographer, model, or icon gets a page with a large photo and informative but ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Editors of Phaidon Press *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Editors of Phaidon Press *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Editors of Phaidon Press *** Out of Print *** Images from Sample  | ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Editors of Phaidon Press *** Out of Print *** Accessibility is the code word for Phaidon's new 500-page dictionary of American art. The book values images over words, and its longest text is the introduction, which is printed in large, bold face and hardly fills one page. But it does describe the book's mission well: "Each artist is ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Editors of Phaidon Press *** Out of Print *** This user-friendly book is an alphabetical reference guide to 500 of the world's greatest painters and sculptors, from antiquity to the present. Measuring roughly 5 by 6-1/2 inches and now in paperback, The Art Book is not only affordable, but also light, compact, and extremely portable, ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Editors of Phaidon Press *** Out of Print *** This user-friendly book is an alphabetical reference guide to 500 of the world's greatest painters and sculptors, from antiquity to the present. Measuring roughly 5 by 6-1/2 inches and now in paperback, The Art Book is not only affordable, but also light, compact, and extremely portable, ... [selengkapnya]
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Magnet Cinta [Clearance Sale]
Buku ini berisi tentang bagaimana cara memanfaatkan energi cinta yang ada dalam diri setiap manusia, sehingga setiap manusia bisa menggunakan potensi terbaiknya, bisa mewujudkan impian-impiannya, ...
