Sinopsis Buku: In his latest edition to the highly successful 25 Sales Skills series, America's #1 corporate sales trainer, Stephan Schiffman, debunks the 25 most popular myths that cost salespeople money every day. By avoiding these myths and knowing the truth behind them, salespeople will improve their pitch and strengthen their sales calls. For too long, salespeople have been lead astray by these dangerous "urban legends" of sales. The 25 Most Dangerous Sales Myths uncovers the truth behind such misconceptions as: Gimmicks "warm up" cold calls The customer is the enemy Always try to outsmart the buyer Everyone is a prospect Always work on closing the deal Schiffman's simple, direct, easy-to-apply advice provides surefire strategies to win more sales every time, using methods that have trained thousands of top-notch salespeople worldwide.
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Buku Lainnya oleh Stephan Schiffman:
 | Rp 34.800 Rp 29.580 Buat Kesepakatan Yang Anda Inginkan Sesuai Dengan Syarat-syarat Yang Anda Butuhkan! Penjualan adalah tentang negosiasi.
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| Tentang Pengarang:
 Stephan Schiffman, direktur D.E.I. Management Group, adalah penulis buku-buku laris tentang penjualan, termasuk "Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Works)" dan "The 250 Sales Questions to Close the Deal". Klien-kliennya antara lain Aetna, AT&T, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Boise Office Solutions, Chevron Texaco, Cox Communications, EMC, ExxonMobil, Federal Express, IBM, Merrill Lynch, Motorola, New York Times, Sony, dan Waste Management. [ selengkapnya]
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