Sinopsis Buku: With Beat Sales Burnout, you can get back on your game before the sales quarter ends. No matter what your age or experience, you'll learn how to break bad habits, create new sales strategies, increase on-the-job productivity, and reclaim your passion for selling. With top performance consultant Stephan Schiffman as your guide, you'll get the sound advice and foolproof strategies you need to: Recognize burnout warning signs Set professional limits Reduce negative stress and boost energy Get the critical customer feedback that makes it easy to close deals Avoid Chronic Responsibility Syndrome Use the LBE Formula-Live, Breathe, and Enjoy the job again! With Beat Sales Burnout in hand, you'll be back in your groove in no time!
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Buku Lainnya oleh Stephan Schiffman:
 | Rp 34.800 Rp 29.580 Buat Kesepakatan Yang Anda Inginkan Sesuai Dengan Syarat-syarat Yang Anda Butuhkan! Penjualan adalah tentang negosiasi.
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| Tentang Pengarang:
 Stephan Schiffman, direktur D.E.I. Management Group, adalah penulis buku-buku laris tentang penjualan, termasuk "Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Works)" dan "The 250 Sales Questions to Close the Deal". Klien-kliennya antara lain Aetna, AT&T, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Boise Office Solutions, Chevron Texaco, Cox Communications, EMC, ExxonMobil, Federal Express, IBM, Merrill Lynch, Motorola, New York Times, Sony, dan Waste Management. [ selengkapnya]
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