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Speaking English is Easy

Speaking English is Easy 
oleh: Drs. Slamet R, M.Pd
> Bahasa & Kamus » Belajar Bahasa » Inggris

List Price :   Rp 30.000
Your Price :    Rp 25.500 (15% OFF)
Penerbit :    Pustaka Widyatama (K)
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN :    9796107244
ISBN-13 :    9789796107247
Tgl Penerbitan :    2012-07-00
Bahasa :    Indonesia
Halaman :    0
Ukuran :    210x145x0 mm
Berat :    242 gram
Sinopsis Buku:
Panduan Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Praktis untuk Pelajar dan Mahasiswa

- Cara cepat kuasai percakapan bahasa Inggris

- Memuat percakapan yang ringan, santai dan dapat diterapkan untuk berbagai situasi

Materi Percakapan Meliputi:

1.Greeting someone

2.Introducing yourself/someone

3.Talking about time, dates, days, and months

4.Making a phone call

5.Asking the way/directions

6.Reserving an air ticket

7.Expressing likes/dislikes and preferences

8.Describing abilities/skills

9.Asking about prices

10.Talking about films and books

11.Asking someone to say something again


13.Asking someone to do things

14.Describing locations, city, building and tourism objects

15.Talking about transportation

16.Expressing enjoyment and boredom

17.Talking about geography and its population  

18.Asking about educational background

19.Asking about the climate, weather and seasons

20.Describing holidays, festivals, and customs

21.Asking about family background

22.Expressing hobbies and interests

23.Accepting/refusing an offer

24.Asking about personal information

25.Talking about health

26.Expressing regret/sadness

27.Asking for permission

31.Describing clothes

32.Inviting someone

33.Expressing fear and worry

34.Asking for personal opinion/views

35.Describing someone or something

36.Expressing agreement and disagreement

37.Giving advice and suggestion

38.Making a plan

39.Expressing a complain

40.Talking about knowledge of the world

41.Showing sympathy

42.Giving and replying compliments

43.Checking that someone has understood  

44.Saying sorry and asking for apology

45.Persuading someone

46.Describing a process

47.Expressing doubt and certainty

48.Expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction

49.Checking pronunciation, spelling, correctness, and meaning

50.Congratulating someone

51.Expressing hope

52.Talking about something THAT happened in the past

53.Summing up or making a conclusion

54.Ending a conversation

55.Saying goodbye

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