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The War for Wealth: The True Story of Globalization, or Why the Flat World is Broken

The War for Wealth: The True Story of Globalization, or Why the Flat World is Broken 
oleh: Gabor Steingart
> Buku Impor » Economy

List Price :   Rp 412.500
Your Price :    Rp 371.250 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    McGraw-Hill
ISBN :    0071545964
ISBN-13 :    9780071545969
Tgl Penerbitan :    2008-04-04
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    304
Ukuran :    160x229x33 mm
Berat :    612 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:


Globalization. The Flat World. Outsourcing. Free Trade.

Each of these phrases is a flashpoint in one of the most heated debates of our lifetime: Is globalization a force for good, or is it a policy that is sure to destroy the economic foundation of the United States and Europe while exporting our wealth and prosperity overseas?

In The War for Wealth, leading intellectual and agenda-setting journalist Gabor Steingart examines how globalization has affected the state of the world's economy and returns with a bleak outlook for the West: our prosperity and wealth are disappearing faster than ever, and with it our political power and our long-held democratic ideals. But all is not lost; we can still stem the flow of capital and jobs and once again restore the West to its respected position of global leader in economics and politics.

In this eye-opening and dramatic account, Steingart lays out the three potential scenarios the world faces - a “shock scenario” in which there is a global economic crash, an “Asia-over-all scenario” where the rising economies of Asia completely overtake the West, or the “American renaissance scenario” in which U.S. politicians unite with each other and with Europe, forming a pragmatic third way to bring the West back from the brink of destruction.

Compelling, controversial, and thought-provoking, The War for Wealth alerts readers to the crucial state of the Western economy--and shows how leaders can return the West to its position of power in the global arena.

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