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Real World Adobe(R) GoLive(R) 5

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Real World Adobe(R) GoLive(R) 5 
oleh: Jeff Carlson, Glenn Fleishman
> Buku Impor » Computer

Penerbit :    Peachpit Press
ISBN :    0201704064
ISBN-13 :    9780201704068
Tgl Penerbitan :    2000-10-00
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    1000
Ukuran :    175x229x51 mm
Berat :    1429 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:
GoLive 5 is Adobe's premier cross-platform, Web development tool, offering superb HTML control, powerful site management, and support for Cascading Style Sheets, DHTML, and JavaScript. Both coders and designers use GoLive's site creation and management tools to develop content for the Web. Adobe GoLive 5 now offers integration with XML, Adobe PDF, and Microsoft Active Server Pages, making it an industrial-strength giant in the Web design world. Real World Adobe GoLive 5 is the definitive guide for Web designers eager to master the ins and outs of GoLive's many tools and features. The book targets all levels of users, starting with beginners who want to learn the basics of GoLive's page creation, editing, and site management. It also targets intermediate and advanced users who know the software fairly well but want to learn the more complex features of GoLive, including scripting, animation, and style sheets. Useful as a tutorial or reference, Real World Adobe GoLive 5 is an ideal book for anyone wanting to increase productivity with this powerful Web design powerhouse. Previous Edition ISBN: 0-201-35474-8.

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