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Database Principles: Fundamentals of Design, Implementation, and Management

Database Principles: Fundamentals of Design, Implementation, and Management 
oleh: Stephen Morris
> Buku Impor » Computer

List Price :   Rp 281.600
Your Price :    Rp 253.440 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    South Western Educational Publishing
ISBN :    1133311970
ISBN-13 :    9781133311973
Tgl Penerbitan :    2012-01-04
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    736
Ukuran :    216x274x20 mm
Berat :    1520 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-3
Sinopsis Buku:
Practical and easy to understand "Database Principles: Fundamentals of Design, Implementation, and Management, 10/e, International Edition" gives readers a solid foundation in database design and implementation. Filled with visual aids such as diagrams, illustrations, and tables, this market-leading book provides in-depth coverage of database design, demonstrating that the key to successful database implementation is in proper design of databases to fit within a larger strategic view of the data environment. Renowned for its clear, straightforward writing style, the tenth edition has been thoroughly updated to include hot topics such as green computing/sustainability for modern data centers, the role of redundant relationships, and examples of web-database connectivity and code security. In addition, new review questions, problem sets, and cases have been added throughout the book so that readers have multiple opportunities to test their understanding and develop real and useful design skills.

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