Torey Hayden Website: http://www.torey-hayden.com/
Torey Hayden lahir tanggal 21 May, 1951 di Livingston, Montana, Amerika Serikat.
Education: Billings Senior High School, Billings, Montana, 1969; Bachelors of Arts, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington (biology/chemistry) 1973; Master of Science, Montana State University/Billings, Billings, Montana (special education)1975; PH.D studies (incomplete), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota (educational psychology/special education) 1979.
Career in education/psychology: Title III special education auxiliary, 1969-72; Title III special education teacher/learning support person, 1973-1974; regular education teacher, 1974; private clinical therapy 1975-1976; special education teacher 1976-1977; special education learning support consultant 1977-1979; private clinical therapy 1977-1979; psychiatric unit research coordinator 1978-1979; university/graduate lecturer 1977-1979; special education teacher; 1979-1980; private clinical therapy 1980-1981; counseling consultant 1982-1989. Further consultant work to date.
Volunteer/charity work consultant with autism unit, 1981-1983; counsellor with North Wales Childline, 1987 - 1991; president of North Wales Childline 1988-1989; counsellor with Samaritans 1996-1998; counsellor with Citizen's Advice Bureau; 2002 to date.